You can upload multiple guests by downloading the Guest template
STEP1: Go to Menu and select 'Import Guest Spread Sheet'STEP2: Click on the 'Download Guest List Spreadsheet Template' button:
STEP3: Open the spreadsheet by clicking on the download:
STEP4: Fill in the spreadsheet
**Please remember that the following all have drop down menus on the spreadsheet: Gender, Guest Type, Country, Plus One allowed, Children allowed.
If you do not use the drop down menu, the guest list upload will fail
STEP5: Save the file
STEP6: On the system click on the 'Choose' button at the 'Upload File' section and choose the template that has been edited, or Click and drag a file over from your 'Computer':
The following Table message will appear after the file has been processed:
Each row in the Excel Spreadsheet gets validated if the guest is a valid guest or if the guest has been uploaded to the System previously.
Guests that exists on the System already is the green rows that is not valid. The Rows that are white and grey is guests that has not yet been uploaded to My Wedding Online.
To Upload the Guests simply click on the Check box on the Left of the row, after selecting all the guests you want to upload click on the 'Save Guests' button and confirm the upload.
PS: At any stage you can cancel the Guest Import by clicking on the 'Cancel Guest Import' button and confirm the cancellation.
Edit Guest Information:
You can when uploading the guests edit their detail before you upload them.
Follow all previous steps until you see the Guest Table:
1. Click on the field of the guest you want to edit
2. You will be able to Edit the 'First Name', 'Surname', 'Email' and 'Cell'